Apple's Keynote is the best app to use when it's time to make a great impression on your audience. Learn to create beautiful and engaging presentations with Keynote, in this course by Apple certified trainer Iain Anderson now!
Apple's iPhone is an amazing and powerful tool every educator should use. These 21 tutorials will teach you how to create dynamic e-lessons quickly and easily, right on your phone!
Now that you know your way around Apple's Keynote, it's time to dive deeper. Join Apple Expert Matt Vanacoro in this Advanced course, and bring your Keynote presentations to the next level.
Keynote is the perfect tool to use when you want to add that special touch to your presentations. Watch this course by Matt Vanacoro, and learn how to create compelling slideshows with Apple's iWork software.
If a picture's worth a thousand words, then an effective PowerPoint presentation must be worth a million! Learn how to produce impressive PowerPoint presentations in this introductory 32-tutorial course!
Watch this in-depth 43-tutorial course, from our resident Apple guru Francesco Schiavon, to learn how to create attractive and informative presentations using Apple's Keynote software on your Mac, iOS devices and iCloud!
What is design? Who developed the universal visual concepts that designers have successfully deployed for centuries? These important questions and more are answered in this 20-tutorial journey by design historian and expert Mark Gatter.
Tired of the same ol' synths? Dig into Max For Live and design your own! Join musician and Max expert Rishabh Rajan as he takes you on a journey from initial oscillation to final output as you build your first M4L synth!
Great websites need to be picture perfect. This HTML and CSS course teaches you everything about images and how you can optimize the visual experience when creating and publishing your web pages.
Digital publication is an exciting new medium that opens up lots of creative doors and opportunities! Join Michele Hjörleifsson and learn how iBooks Author can help you create stunning original content to be shared all around the world...
Adobe Acrobat is essential to trading documents on the modern Internet. This tutorial-video will teach you how to create forms, format text, imbed images, and distribute PDFs like a pro!