Here’s a selection of Ask.Video’s most popular recolor-artwork tutorial-videos:
  • 21. 21. Artwork / Visuals / Imagery
    3m 49s
    Social Media 101
    Strategies & Tactics for Artists and DJs
    From Facebook to YouTube, social media is one of the most important tools for DJs, producers and artists to grow a fan base and expand a presence online. Join artist and YouTuber Multiplier in this course to learn how to best promote your music with social media.
  • 15. 15. Applying Artwork
    2m 19s
    Studio One 104
    Workflow Essentials
    Having a good workflow is key to saving time and boosting productivity. In this course, audio expert Alex Solano shares workflow strategies to help you unleash the full power of PreSonus Studio One.
  • 12. 12. Main Conventions of Cleaned Up Artwork
    2m 5s
    Character Design 101
    Creating Characters
    Where do character ideas come from and how do you transform your ideas into fully-realized characters? Watch this 18-tutorial courses by artist and animator, Siobhan Twomey, and see a character come to life right before your eyes!
  • 4. 4. Placing Other Artwork
    2m 31s
    Illustrator CS6 102
    Objects and Layers: Create A Map
    Understanding the relationship between Objects and Layers is key to building successful Illustrator CC projects. Watch world-class trainer Iain Anderson show you how it's done...
  • 5. 5. ReColor Art
    4m 1s
    Illustrator CC 103
    Brushes and Color: Create An Illustration
    With so many Brush and Color options to choose from, how do you decide which combination is the best? Internationally-acclaimed trainer Iain Anderson guides you through the inspiring options at your fingertips in Illustrator CC...
  • 5. 5. ReColor Art
    4m 1s
    Illustrator CS6 103
    Brushes and Color: Create An Illustration
    With so many Brush and Color options to choose from, how do you decide which combination is the best? Internationally-acclaimed trainer Iain Anderson guides you through the inspiring options at your fingertips in Illustrator CS6...
  • 4. 4. Placing Other Artwork
    2m 31s
    Illustrator CS6 102
    Objects and Layers: Create A Map
    Understanding the relationship between Objects and Layers is key to building successful Illustrator CS6 projects. Watch world-class trainer Iain Anderson show you how it's done...
  • 28. 28. Shifting Colors with the Recolor Artwork Dialog Box
    4m 36s
    Illustrator CS5 102
    Working with Objects & Type
    Illustrator excels when it comes to working with Vector objects, but in order to make great art with vectors, you need to understand how to create objects and type in Illustrator. This tutorial shows you how ...
  • 72. 72. Combining Layers
    1m 51s
    Illustrator CS4 101
    Core Illustrator CS4
    Learn to create vector art with seasoned technical author and 3D artist Kelly Murdock.
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