If you're a music producer looking to sharpen your keyboard skills, this course is made for you! Dive into some advanced keyboard techniques with experienced piano teacher Matt Vanacoro, and get ready to unlock new ideas for your music productions.
Vocal tuning is an important skill every engineer should master. Get the pitch correction knowledge you need in this course by trainer and engineer Joshua Carney, and take your vocal productions from good to perfect!
All composers hear voices in their heads. But how do they get that inspiration out? In this course, electronic artist Brian Mitchell (Tallmen 785) reveals how he uses NI Maschine and Ableton Live to explode his music into the dance music world!
Rock legend, Jordan Rudess, is a master of rhythm and he's here to teach us everything he knows! So immerse yourself in this exclusive, example-filled course by Dream Theater's keyboard wizard!
Universal Audio's UAD V8.0 plugins are here and so is expert mixer Rich Tozzoli to show us how he uses them "In Action"! Learn the secrets of how to make your rhythm tracks really rock, in this example-filled course.
In the Ear Training 101 course you learned how to identify melodic notes and intervals. In this exercise-filled, 49-video course, Gregg Fine teaches you how to hear chords and harmonies. Educate your ears!
Musicians – playing jazz and other genres – use improvisation to explore their creativity and to generate musical ideas. This course – by the talented jazz artist Gregg Fine – shows how to unleash the power of improvisation in your music!
Jazz tonalities influence all kinds of music from Pop to EDM. Discover how these colorful musical techniques work and learn how they're constructed in this 34-tutorial Jazz Theory course by Gregg Fine...
Calling all Cubase users: Cubase 7 is here, and Matt Hepworth, our in-house Cubase expert has been hard at work exploring every line of code! Master all the powerful new features in this new and powerful version of this popular DAW...
Get ready to track the bass with producer Gregg Fine in this "groove-along" course that will break down the bass lines and show you how to create your own grooves...