Here’s a selection of Ask.Video’s most popular sifting tutorial-videos:
  • 4. 4. Sifting Tips & Techniques
    2m 20s
    Media Composer 301
    Long Format Workflows
    Working in longer formats requires some very specific techniques. Get essential long-form video-editing tips for your editing toolbox in this AVID Media Composer course led by expert editor Kevin McAuliffe.
  • 22. 22. Sifting
    2m 12s
    Media Composer 6 101
    Organizing and Ingesting Media
    Beginning a new video project requires a good amount of an editor's time spent in pre-production mode. In these Avid Learning Partner tutorial-videos, Avid Certified Media Composer 6 trainer Jeff Greenberg shows you how to get your media properly organized and ingested to make your Media Composer experience fast and efficient...
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