Here’s a selection of Ask.Video’s most popular spotting tutorial-videos:
  • 2. 2. The Spotting Sheet
    2m 21s
    Logic Pro 312
    Scoring to Picture Toolbox
    Scoring to picture in Logic Pro is a great skill to have in your toolbox. There's lots to learn, but have no fear... David Earl –the SFLogicNinja– is here to show you the way in this course!
  • 20. 20. The Screening and Spotting Session
    7m 21s
    Pro Tools 303
    Dialog Editing For Film & TV
    Avid's Pro Tools is the premiere DAW for editing dialog for TV and Film. Learn the Pro Tools audio editor's workflow in this advanced, 4-hour course by post-production expert, Roy Vargas.
  • 7. 7. Work for Hire Redux
    2m 25s
    Music Business 104
    Synchronization Licenses and Royalties
    Visual media is everywhere. This means that music "Sync" licenses are a great way to generate income from your tracks. Learn how your compositions can become solid platinum in this important course by music biz expert, Dr. Paul Bissell.
  • 25. 25. Spotting Audio Stems in Logic
    5m 31s
    Logic Pro X 112
    Bouncing, Sharing and Archiving
    This course, by SFLogicNinja David Earl, shows you how to bounce, master, create stems, share and archive your precious work in Apple's Logic Pro X making sure that everything sounds its best right now and is compatible for anything that the unpredictable future may bring!
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