Here’s a selection of Ask.Video’s most popular sweeten tutorial-videos:
  • 21. Master Buss Processing
    3m 52s
    Ableton Live 402
    Finishing a Track "In The Box"
    Certified Trainer Noah Pred is back to show you how to finalize a track in Ableton Live 11! Be sure to watch the Ableton Live 401 course first, and then join him in this course to continue your training! This course includes a Live project resource file.
  • 28. 28. Sweetening
    3m 57s
    Ableton Live 104
    Mixing Tracks
    Ableton Live is often seen as a creative and performance-oriented DAW, but it excels at mixing too. Watch this course and learn the skills you need to create professional sounding mixes in Live, with Ableton certified trainer Noah Pred.
  • 9. 9. Post EQ
    4m 57s
    Ozone 7 201
    12 Essential Mastering Tips
    In this advanced Ozone 7 mastering course, you get 14 tutorials filled with exceptional advice by mastering engineer Daniel Wyatt. No beginner stuff. Just concise, expert tips that'll take your masters to the next level. Don't miss it!
  • 36. 36. Enhancing Sample Clarity
    8m 50s
    Orchestration 301
    The MIDI Orchestra - Enhancing Realism
    Get real! Or at least get your MIDI orchestra to SOUND real! Learn the art of creating realistic orchestral MIDI mockups in this inspiring course by the one and only Peter (Ski) Schwartz.
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