Shooting and editing on the same day to meet tight deadlines? Iain Anderson shows how Final Cut Pro X can be used quickly and effectively for same-day editing in this revealing tutorial article.
MIDI over Bluetooth is a technology that is still in its infancy. The concept of connecting MIDI devices wirelessly is appealing of course (look Ma, no wires). But how do you set it up for Mac & iOS?
So, what exactly happened at the 2016 Final Cut Pro X Creative Summit at Apple HQ in Cupertino? Iain Anderson was there and spills the beans on his experience and the direction FCPX is heading in.
Ever since the Macintosh was introduced in 1984, artists have embraced the platform for its many capabilities. But is the Mac going the way of the dodo? Matthew Loel T. Hepworth looks at the Macscape.
For new and more experienced Mac users getting to grips with the different ways of setting up a brand new Apple Mac computer can be a painless task. Iain Anderson shows you how.
If you consider yourself an intermediate or advanced level user of Final Cut Pro X and want to make your video editing chops faster and more efficient then these keyboard shortcuts are for you.
It's holiday season and the perfect time to transform average holiday snaps into terrific and engaging photos that won't bore friends and family. Here's what you need to know and do...
Apple Motion users: if you want to create generators, titles or effects for use in Final Cut Pro X, this tutorial by Iain Anderson will help you rigging (combining multiple parameters in a simple GUI)
If you want to apply specific film-style looks to your video or images without breaking the bank, then learning how to make LUTs in Photoshop is a good idea. Iain Anderson shows you how.
Don't despair if you're short of an actor or two. This excellent compositing technique for Final Cut Pro X users allows you to duplicate talent in your videos and you don't even need a green screen!
Highlighting a point of interest in a video is very possible with both Final Cut Pro X and Apple's Motion 5. In this tutorial, Iain Anderson takes you through the process step by step.
In today's digital world where documents are online or sent as PDFs it's often great to be able to add your signature to your emails. Here's how to add your signature, digitally, in Mac OS X.
Though the title might not seem sexy, when you start to unlock the power of Apple's Music Memos iOS app you'll be impressed, especially with the built-in beat detection and drum editing available.
If you consider how far video compression has come in a relatively short space of time it's mind-blowing. But,there's more to come. Iain Anderson looks back and forward in terms of video codecs.
In this tutorial article learn how to give your footage a trendy, retro feel, using the video effects in Final Cut Pro X. Iain Anderson takes you back in time.
Knowing how to manage media in Final Cut Pro X can save you hours, and potentially save you from pulling your hair out too. In this useful tutorial, Matt Vanacoro shares three tips to keep you sane.
If you're wondering how to add a time and date stamp to your video footage, then stop wondering and learn how! Using Final Cut Pro X Iain Anderson demonstrates how easy it is to do just this.
Many of us have embraced a digital lifestyle in regards to book, music, video and photos. But, in a world where formats and media keep evolving, how can you future proof your products for tomorrow?
Multimedia creation tools aren't as accessible as they once seemed to promise when Director & Flash were trail blazing the field. But, Apple's Keynote can create impressive interactive presentations.
Is one better than the other? Final Cut Pro X and Adobe Premiere Pro are both excellent video editing platforms. Period. Here, Iain Anderson compares the two purely on their speed and performance.