In this short series, Toby Pitman explores how the best Hollywood composers convey emotion in their musical scores. Part 3 (of 3), focuses in on the Major scale for those heroic journeys.
In this short series, Toby Pitman explores how the best Hollywood composers convey emotion in their musical scores. Part 2 (of 3), focuses in on the Diminished scale.
In this short series, Toby Pitman explores how the best Hollywood composers convey emotion in their musical scores. Part 1 (of 3), focuses in on the Lydian scale.
Lead sheets aren’t just for jazz players these days! Whatever type of music you might play or produce, the lead sheet is an extremely common way to notate a piece in a small amount of space.
In this short series, master musician Matt Vanacoro takes us through the basics of getting started using Auto-Tune with some helpful tips and tricks veteran producers will find useful too.
If you're a producer that can't read music notation that's ok. Joshua Carney shows how to bring essential music theory into your DAW for a better music production workflow experience.
Parametric composition involves working with data, MIDI and programming in an unconventional way. But the results can be unlike anything you've heard before. Here's how to get started...
See and hear how to layer and arrange orchestral instruments to create epic buildups and swells that are perfect for creating an emotional response. This video shows you how.
Whether you're an experienced keyboard player or just beginning to learn your way around the keys, here are 4 chord techniques that will serve you well when playing and recording.
How loud is the loudest sound ever made - even the loudest sound it is possible to make? Scientists think they have the answer, and it might surprise you how they got there.
The design, evolution and range of the clarinet make it a fascinating instrument to play and score with. Here, Thomas Goss shows you exactly why that is the case.
The Health and Wellness industry is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. Here are some tips from an experienced practitioner of making sonic textures for yoga and meditation.
Hear a product specialist from Embertone demonstrate the unique sound and amazing versatility of the Steinway D VSTi in this video - and watch the whole recorded MasterClass for free.
The right mindset is just as important as having technical skills when it comes to succeeding at the music game. Here are some insider tips to help you get to where you want to be.
Recording a full blown orchestra is definitely not a one-person task. Olajide Paris reveals the list of roles that will need to be filled on anything from a smaller to a heavy cinematic session.