Arturia V 106
ARP 2600 V Explored
Genre: Audio
  • 26 Videos
  • 2h 2m
  • Quiz Available
Arturia's ARP 2600 V is a faithful recreation of one of the most versatile and iconic synthesizers of all time. Learn this semi-modular synth inside and out, with this in-depth course by trainer and producer Rishabh Rajan!
Rishabh Rajan is an award winning composer, producer, songwriter, synthesist, sound designer and Logic Pro expert currently living and teaching in New York...
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Status: Available
Created in the early '70s by Alan R. Pearlman (his initials is where the name ARP comes from) with David Friend and Lewis G. Pollock, the ARP 2600 is considered by many to be the holy grail of analog synthesizers. Heard on countless records (Stevie Wonder, Genesis, The Who, Jean Michel Jarre, Depeche Mode to name a few), this semi-modular analog monster was even used to create the voice of R2-D2 in Star Wars. And now you too can use the ARP's synthesis power directly in your DAW. But let's be honest, this powerhouse synth has quite a steep learning curve. That's why we asked synthesis master Rishabh Rajan to create this in-depth course and demystify this super deep instrument.

Rishabh begins the course with an overview of various modules and explains the normalled routing of the synth. Then, he focuses on the oscillator section, revealing the differences between VCO 1, 2 and 3 and explaining how oscillator sync works. The further you dive in the course, the more you discover its infinite sound design possibilities. The Filter, the Envelopes, effects and mixer are all covered in detail and demonstrated with numerous patching examples. You also get a detailed look at the sequencer, the LFO section, the Global section and a lot more.

About The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation
Founded in 2019, the foundation was created by Alan Pearlman's daughter Dina Pearlman to celebrate her father and inspire future generations to imagine and create. Visit their website here:

So take your virtual patching cables and join trainer and synth expert Rishabh Rajan in this 2 hour + course. There's no better way to learn the ARP 2600 V then this course. Master the virtual recreation of the legendary ARP 2600 now!
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