Russ wrote on May 18, 2009
I am very pleased with both the content of this tutorial and it's presentation. I recommend it highly.
Greg McKitrick wrote on March 8, 2009
I would keeo in mind the Mac mantra "keep it simple". I didn't find the "Web Basics" section all that useful. I didn't need that information. Scrap the first section and start with "A Quick Overview of the iWeb work flow." It gets you into the program quickly and easily.
Craig Bryant wrote on March 4, 2009
Great intro for learning iWeb. Its probably beyond the scope of iWeb, but a few pointers on more advance web design techniques would have been nice (flash, etc).
Also, I can't emphasize enough how nice it would be to have some sort of document that summarizes the content of the DVD. You guys have incredible tutorials, but watching them takes twice as long when you have to keep writing down what is being said for further reference.
These are minor points though. All in all I very much enjoyed this tutorial and am in the process of designing my first webpage. Thanks!
andreas maerki wrote on January 18, 2009
very informative, easy to understand tutorial for a great application!
never knew that making webpages can be so easy!!
And i'm astonished how flexible iweb is!
Les Titford wrote on January 15, 2009
I've had my own iWeb site for nearly 3 years and learnt what I know by trial and error. Francesco's tutorial really filled in the gaps for me and taught me loads of stuff I didn't know. I own a couple of other of his MPV titles - I really like his relaxed and friendly approach, it definitely makes learning a pleasure. Really glad I added this to my MPV collection - if you haven't tried it, iWeb is a great app - absolutely perfect for the novice site-builder and it's free with all Macs!!
Once again MacProVideo gets five stars from me!
francisco missael wrote on January 14, 2009
This tutorial its ok, but i think that there should be an explanation for placing a photo slide show in picaza as an alternative to mobile me.
John Holtzinger wrote on January 8, 2009
Wow! I'd read that iWeb was pretty limited for website design. After watching this video, I realize what really limits the potential of iWeb is a lack of instruction like that provided by macprovideo.
For a novice website builder, this course opens up a number of viable ways to use iWeb to produce usable web pages. I can now use iWeb comfortably in small business applications. I'm in real estate, and I expect being able to design my own lead-generating sites quickly and inexpensively, along with designing single-property-websites, will save me thousands of dollars of fees to website designers yearly, plus add much more to my company's bottom line by differentiating our brand as one that combines both traditional service with modern technological advantages and advertising efforts.
If Apple is smart, they'll buy the rights to this video and make it available to all Mac users, or at LEAST offer it for sale on the Apple Website.
Great video--don't pass up iWeb until you watch this course and find out it does a LOT more than you may have thought on first glance, and does it very quickly and easily.
Sven Andersen wrote on January 5, 2009
Very helpful.
Peter C. Vogl wrote on January 3, 2009
Eventhough Latino-English is not my favorit I appreciated a full covery of all aspects of iWeb 101.
Theo Veeren wrote on December 19, 2008
I enjoyed the Tutorial very much I like the way it was set up, in small increments for easy access at later stages.
The narrator was very articulate.
I wish you could create something like that for Microsoft office 2008 in particular powerpoint.
Regards Theo.
P.S let me know if you have done so.