Logic Pro's Library never seems to sit still! It's often on the move and changing what it displays and that can be confusing! Join Booker Edwards in this course and get the inside info on how the Library really works!
Booker produces and writes under the name Triple B. He creates music for television, film and records and specializes in hip hop, R&B and the Akai MPC.
Logic Pro's "adaptive" Library is incredibly powerful if you know how to use it. It often depends upon what slot is selected on the channel strip and what kind of track is being deployed. In this course, by Logic expert Booker Edwards, you learn all the ins-and-outs of this ever-changing Library.
After a very enlightening introduction, Booker demystifies all the different library "shelves": Software Instrument, Audio, Drummer and more. Then there's the concept of Patch Merging and the difference between Presets, Patches and Track Stack patches. As a matter of fact, just writing this description makes me want to watch this course again to better understand the power in Logic's Library!
So take control of Logic's Library and make your Logic workflow smoother in this course!
Clarity is a beautiful thing and Booker’s Library presentation was 5 star clarity!!! Look forward to additional subjects by Booker.
Saskia Laroo wrote on August 7, 2021
Excellent course!
Edgar Rothermich wrote on August 30, 2016
Thanks Booker for creating this great video tutorial about the Library Browser. The Library is definitely one of those underrated features in Logic that needs more attention. It is packed with tons of features that are essential to the Logic workflow and I would highly recommend to every Logic user to watch this video and learn how to take full advantage of the amazing Library Browser.
Dv8ter wrote on August 24, 2016
Good course that I would recomend for beginners & also for people like myself who hardly ever read the manual which results in missing useful functions that you should have been aware off.