Ren wrote on November 30, 2014
Another knowledge packed tutorial with Scott Freiman at the teaching wheel, spreading that ProTools information.
kawame davis wrote on May 3, 2014
Excellent course especially the memory locations & windows config. i didn't really put much thought into things until now. Learn something new once again
Jon wrote on November 13, 2013
Great tips here! Navigation is something that can be very different in all the various DAW's. This really helped me learn all the ways to get around a typical Pro Tools session.
Dell Little wrote on August 5, 2013
I'd not used Window Configs before, but now after this I'm going to start. Plus i've learn how to use Markers more for navigation. Very powerful tool. I'll be revisiting this course.
Shaggydh wrote on July 8, 2013
Excellent series. This course will definitely help you speed up your workflow. Pro Tools is full of shortcuts and navigation tricks. You will have a good handle on these after completing.
Gerard Boseman wrote on January 25, 2013
Need a little help in remember where everything in the workplace is?? this is your class.
Erwin wrote on January 22, 2013
Many keys features were introduced. I especially liked the topic of working with windows section. Great overall.
SquareFish wrote on January 17, 2013
Getting to know Pro Tools shortcuts is essential and trying to do it reading the manual is kind of pain. This course save you lots of time. Excelent stuff.
Big Jerm wrote on January 16, 2013
I'm pretty competent with Pro Tools - but this course really did improve my workflow which allows me to work so much more efficiently. There were a lot of options here that I wasn't aware of, so this was well worth watching.
Grant Tregellas wrote on June 1, 2012
This is the video they should ship with ProTools. I thought I knew how to use ProTools until I watched this. Its actually a bit overwhelming to be honest, and you need to take the info in bite size chunks to absorb it all. Very useful, and if you can master all the techniques it will really speed things up in the studio.