john long mom what happened to m wrote on January 17, 2015
i Found This tutorial half decent. not enough explanation on compression it started off way too quickly without explaining the basis of compression + too much playing around with the parameters.
Ren wrote on November 1, 2014
Understanding the tools of the trade, how, when and in what situation the given tools should and should not be used in. Good stuff thanks MPV.
BHamester wrote on March 15, 2014
For the length of the course it's a fair overview about compression. I guess a full guide on how to for dynamics would require several hours on the subject, so if bear that in mind this is a great course.
R.Stull wrote on September 23, 2013
Comparison of different hardware and plugin dynamic processors and examples of uses was quite helpful in understanding the processes covered.
Tony Merritt wrote on June 27, 2013
Great course, I really enjoyed this and learned about expanders which is great I hated using gates on vocals.
between wrote on June 26, 2013
This is stuff you need to know, so if you feel your not on top of your game when it comes to compression, you will certain learn things watching this tutorial
T2C Scott wrote on May 27, 2013
I thought This Tutorial was Good.. it explains how "Side-chaining works" as well as the advantages of having different types of compressors,Limiters, & Gates effect processors at your disposal.
Anthony wrote on May 17, 2013
The Dynamics course is utterly fascinating. I've been mystified by the compression controls until now. I can now say that my understanding of the compressor controls and types is where it should be.
Favstvs wrote on May 14, 2013
This is an invaluable course for those of us who use all these tools, but who have little understanding beyond what our ears tell us. A great catalogue of plugins presented here. Thank you!
Kaan wrote on April 10, 2013
Informative enough to a person without any knowledge of Dynamic Range Compression.